Tokyo, Japan

Boost your Trade Show investment with digital advertising

-> Reach a wider audience beyond trade show participants
-> Leverage your leads list to reach new similar audiences
-> Increase leads/prospects with powerful remarketing strategies
-> Help your sales team convert more customers
-> Boost ROI with a combined onsite + online strategy
-> Promote your participation at the trade show
-> Increase brand awareness in the market

Why do you need to advertise online

Participation in Trade Shows is one of the most powerful tools available to businesses in order to reach potential industrial buyers. The benefits are plenty: raise awareness, meet in person, networking, launch of new products, build leads database, etc.

However, despite the high cost of having a presence in these events, there are some disadvantages as well: potential low turnout at the fair, sales leads are not guaranteed, and the number of participants is just a fraction of the total target market. Not surprising that 61% of marketers rank lead generation as their top marketing challenge.

Digital advertising, when properly used, helps you overcome these disadvantages and reach many more potential buyers for your products and services.

Broaden target audience reach

Audiences A/B/C may be small compared to the total target market leading to sub-optimal trade show performance.

Carefully designed digital ads campaigns, before and after the show, can potentially reach a much wider relevant audience (D & E) bringing new leads for your sales team to convert into customers.

trade show sales funnel

This is a simplified diagram of a typical sales funnel used in trade shows, with your sales & marketing teams generating and moving leads down the funnel to convert them into customers.

Our proposal is to complement your teams and use available online advertising technologies to reach a wider audience and bring more leads into the funnel. As an optional service for companies in the early stages of market entry we can also support your team onsite during the trade show and with local sales meetings after the show (only available for trade shows in Japan).

ads campaigns and process

Given your particular goals, industry, type of products, audience, budget, etc we will prepare a digital advertising campaign proposal tailored to your needs.

Based on our experience with B2B online marketing, pay-per-click ads are best suited to reach business buyers at a reasonable cost. In particular our clients have consistently been successful in reaching target audiences with Google Search and Display ads.

Whenever needed we can also run campaigns in social media platforms such as Linkedin, Facebook, etc.

Put your ads campaign to work with our proven ads campaign matrix approach. We have developed a structured approach to designing, implementing and optimizing advertising campaigns with your success in mind.

Your participation in the first quadrant "Core Strategy" is key to clarify your goals, target audiences, positioning tactics, etc. Leave the rest to us. We will proceed through the other quadrants translating your needs and goals into effective advertising campaigns in the selected channels.
Get in touch with us to learn how it all works in more detail.

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