Tokyo, Japan

pay per click (ppc) advertising

what is it?

Pay per click advertising is a paid search model used to build brand awareness, promote brand offerings and gain immediate traction from specific audience segments. With PPC, advertisers only pay each time a user clicks on the PPC ads.

PPC allows marketers to place ads strategically on a variety of online marketing platforms to make their products and services highly visible to their target market.

How Does PPC Advertising Work?

PPC advertising is a keyword-based marketing tactic. PPC campaign management services like Google Ads assign a value to different search terms and phrases based on their search volume, difficulty and competition level. The more advertisers competing for the same keyword, the higher the keyword price.

Marketing platforms, such as Google’s homepage, have limited Google pay per click advertising slots. As such, you need to battle it out to claim your PPC spot. Advertisers cannot simply pay more to increase their Google PPC ads’ prominence.

Google pay per click and other PPC ads are subject to ad auction. This pertains to an automated process used by search engines to determine the relevance and validity of advertisements that appear on their SERPs. You must ensure your Google pay per click ads have a good Quality Score to boost your ad position and lower your cost per click (CPC).

To obtain a good Quality Score, your pay-per-click ads must be relevant to your target demographics, include valuable keywords, receive high click-through rates (CTRs) and drive prospects to an SEO-optimized landing page. Don’t have the time to perform a PPC audit and launch your pay per click campaign? Entrust your PPC services to us and let us do the technical work for you.

pay per click ads


Search ads appear to prospects who are already looking for your industry or brand offerings online. Good for short sales cycles.


Display advertising is known for its effectiveness in reaching more than 90% of online users. Long cycles, niches, luxury.


Remarketing ads remind people who have already visited your site to come back and compel them to convert. Relatively cheaper.


In-stream ads are also called YouTube ads. These are pay-per-click ads that appear on YouTube search results & YouTube videos.


These PPC ads appear in a carousel above or beside the main Google search results. Suitable for e-commerce businesses.


Local service ads follow a pay per lead model. This means you don’t have to pay for clicks that don’t turn into leads.

benefits of ppc


  • Low Barrier to Entry
  • Improved Brand Visibility
  • Granular Targeting
  • Fast Results
  • Quick Experimentation
  • One-time Campaign Promotions
  • Immediate and Consistent Traffic
  • Expansive Traction Channels
  • Trackable Data
  • Total Customization